Sustainability Energy and climate change

Energy and climate change

At Gold Fields Ghana, saving energy is everyone’s business.

In line with our Group energy and carbon management strategy, we have implemented several initiatives to ensure that we secure energy supplies to our mines, improve efficiencies, reduce energy costs and reduce our carbon emissions. In 2020, our Tarkwa and Damang mines were certified to the ISO 50001 standard, which is a leading global energy management standard.
Processing plant at Tarkwa mine

We pursue our strategic objective to save energy and reduce our carbon footprint through optimisation, innovation and technology. We have implemented the following initiatives at our Tarkwa and Damang mines to achieve these goals:

  • Affordable and reliable power generation through an independent power purchase arrangement with local power producer, Genser Energy. This has reduced our dependence on the national power grid and has seen reduced carbon emissions from the mine
  • Switching from diesel to natural gas at the Carbon-In-Leach elution
  • Installation of high-efficiency variable speed drives for pumps at the plants
  • The use of electric pumps for pit dewatering to reduce the use of diesel
  • Switching from sodium bulbs to solar and LED lamps, as well as solar hybrid air conditioners

We need our employees to be on board to successfully achieve our energy and carbon emissions’ targets. In addition to monitoring consumption patterns and ensuring that the operations align with our targets, our Energy and Carbon Department constantly engages our people on energy usage.

At toolbox and shop floor meetings, employees discuss topics based on the energy initiatives implemented at the mines. Through our employee energy awareness programme, our people have become more energy-conscious and are increasingly supporting energy-saving initiatives implemented at the workplace and in the mine villages.